Flight Instructor (FI) course


The aim of this course is to give adequate training to the applicant in ground and flying instructional techniques based upon established teaching methods. On successful completion of the course and final test the applicant will be issued with a FI (A) rating permitting the holder to give flight training appropriate to the issue of a PPL(A) or a CPL(A).

Course Price

On Request

Do not hesitate to request an offer for a customized program according to your needs and availability

Enrollment Requirements

According to FCL.915.FI, an applicant for an FI certificate shall:

  • be at least 18 years old
  • have a valid EASA Medical Class 1 Certificate
  • have received at least 10 hours of instrument flight instruction on the appropriate aircraft category, of which not more than 5 hours may be instrument ground time in an FSTD;
  • have completed 20 hours of VFR cross-country flight on the appropriate aircraft category as PIC; and
  • hold at least a CPL(A);


  • hold at least a PPL(A) and have met the requirements for CPL theoretical knowledge, expect for an FI(A) providing training for the LAPL(A) completed at least 200 hours of flight time on aeroplanes or TMGs, of which 150 hours as PIC;
  • have completed at least 30 hours on single engine piston powered aeroplanes of which at least 5 hours shall have been completed during the 6 months preceding the pre-enrty test set out in FCL.930.FI(a);
    have completed a VFR cross country flight as PIC, including of at least 540km(300nm) in the course of which full stop landing at 2 different aerodromes shall be made


  • 130 hours Ground School
  • 30 hours of flight trianing (25h Dual, 5h Mutual)











The course shall last no less than three (3) months, and no more than twelve (12) months. During this period the applicant shall complete all the instructional stages of both theoretical and flight training.

Training Locations

  • Attica / Megara
  • Attica / Markopoulo

Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) Examination Fees & Flight Skill Test

  • 1,5 hour flight skill test on Single Engine Aircraft (SEP)
  • Examiners fee
  • HCAA fees for skill test
  • HCAA fees for License Issue
Examination Cost


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